Tuesday, October 01, 2013

"Final Touch"

5x7 oil/Gessobord
$99.95 starting bid plus
$8. shipping and handling.

1 comment:

boneman said...

You have captured my heart with your paintings Kim Roberti.

I am still searching for my lines, and then here you are with a breath of fresh air, light and lively! I LOVE them all!

It seems such a long hallway to travel, now, however. I mean, for me. At 62 years old, I sometimes wonder Why am I trying? I fight for space to paint each day, am put in closets and my bedroom and the kitchen, and occasionally, the music room.......
Ah well, such as it is, eh?

Like all the trouble could ever stop me from trying.

But I did want to take a moment and say Thank you for the visions you have bestowed on us.


"Flowers at Mission Espada" San Antotio 8x10in oil/linen/foam-board.

 "Flowers at Mission Espada" San Antonio, TX "8x10in" oil/linen/foam-board Click here for eBay purchase "Flowers At...